Sunday, January 10, 2010


By the way, I am pretty darn sure I'm going to Idaho (Still a teeny bit doubtful) but IF I do go to Idaho, I'll be on the Fall/Spring track.
Meaning I'll be at school from September -December, then April to July.
Not HUMONGOUSLY thrilled with the 14 week break between semesters, but it's what I've been given. So it's all right, right?

Love much,
Katie Helen

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Drum Roll please...

Today, January 5, 2010, a very interesting thing occurred. Although I had been expecting something of the sort, it was still a shock when it came. AND it involves school. I know what you all are thinking: it came? she got the notice?
Yes, yes I did.
I have been saying the year wrong for the past decade. My councilor came into my senior English class today, and after scholarship information, informed us all that it is grammatically incorrect to say 'Two-thousand one', or 'Two thousand and one'. That was a mistake that stuck thanks to the novel, 2001. According to wherever said councilor gets her information, the correct way of saying this year, for example, is Twenty-ten. We should have been saying Twenty-oh-one, twenty-oh-two, etc. When you think about it, you didn't say, today is January fifth, one thousand five hundred twenty six. You said 15-26. It is therefore correct to say 20-10.

That's all.

Just Kidding!!!!!!!!!
The REAL news for today is that I received my first college acceptance, and to my priority college. As of today, assuming I don't get crazy senior-itis or something, I have been accepted to Brigham Young University-Idaho. We'll wait and see what Provo has to say, before I really accept anything.

Much love,