Monday, May 3, 2010

Le Gasp!

So...I was called a liberal today. By my own father. I was outraged. Some of you may agree with him. I find myself very conservative. I do not, however, believe there is any possible, fool-proof way (anymore) to clearly identify EXACTLY who is and is not a citizen of this country, in investigations as superficial as highway patrol pull-overs for traffic violators. Sure, they can ask for an ID, a social-security number, a birth certificate; but every single one of these is arguably very easy to fake. Just ask any teenager who's ever bought a drink of alcohol or gotten into a club. I'm not saying we should just accept them here. FAR from. However, I do not want my life to be reminiscent of Nazi Germany, with the country I was born and raised in to be requiring me to carry around 'papers'. I would accept being thumbprinted by any legal officer who was accusing or convicting me of any other crime. Hopefully--theoretically--thumbprints can't be duplicated on a whim...though there was GATTACA...drat.

We were discussing the War Powers today in government. Yes, I want Congress to have the power to declare war. Yes, I want the president to be able to carry out immediate militial action at a moment's notice, to enact whatever force necessary in event of an emergency. YES, I think the 60-90 day limit for such action needs to be enforced! Why has it never been enforced? Either declare war or get out. Don't dilly-dally.

I've discovered a humongous conflict I have with my own moral reasoning. I don't want our country to continue sending foreign aid when our own people are in need. However, many of the same people who agree with me are also anti-welfare, saying people need to help themselves. So, what do we need to do? Just not help anyone? Spread our resources thin and help everyone? I don't know...maybe put some more money into our Free Clinics. Put more money into the poor public schools that will be squeezing as many as 48 students in a classroom with one teacher, half as many textbooks as needed, and denying students access to classes simply because there's not enough students signed up to make 2 full classes of 45. It has been announced at our school that students need to do especially well on their STAR tests, because if 60 students are signed up for a class, the school WILL NOT be making 2 classes of 30. They'll be making one class of 45, and 15 students will not be allowed to take the class. The rule goes for AP classes as well. Yeah, the school's College level classes will have twice their desired amounts. I hope they don't have high expectations.
I'm so glad I'm going to a Private college next year. Sorry guys.