Monday, June 22, 2009

Where'd She GO?!

Hi friends, hello family!
I JUST realized that it has been nearly a month since I last updated ANYONE on what's happening in Temecula. Well, it's really quite simple. Now that the stress of balancing high school, a job, and a college class are behind me, and I get a simple 18 hour work week to have fun with, I don't feel a need to relax in front of a computer for an hour every night. I've even cut back on my Facebook social life. (I know, BIG shocker)
So here's what HAS been happening lately. Finals week rolled around, I studied more than I ever have before (EVER), got sick, almost missed finals, and STILL ended up not doing well. As sad as it is to say, the most crucial report card of my high school life is also my worst.
Something fun and exciting: I got a tumor removed! Okay, some of you may have managed to catch that bit of news flitting around facebook or twitter two weeks ago, but here's the juicy details! I went to the dermatologist for a routine acne prescription check and refill. I decided I might as well get a mole and the funny bump on my leg checked out. Good ole' doc said the bump was a little tumor, benign most likely, and he'd gladly get rid of both it and the mole. SO they did. It was really weird seeing someone attack the underside of my arm with two scalpels, but that's all I got to see. Contrary to my wishes, I wasn't allowed to watch them get the tumor. I had to lie down all the way in case I freaked out or something. But mom said it was cool, and they used a neat little tool that looked like a scrapbook punch. Two stitches and some bandages later I was on my way.
Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy. (Except for when I had a reaction to the undearm bandaging, but that doesn't count.) I just got the stitches out about 45 minutes ago. It'll be nice to be able to swim and shave like a normal person again.
Bailee and I are off to Girls Camp tomorrow; her first time, and my last. SO depressing. But I'm not packed and somewhere between work and our final YCL meeting today I need to come up with a devotional and scripture study lesson, and finalize some certification activities.
Exciting news, two of my guy friends are heading for their missions in 3 months! Wade just got his call to Albequerque, New Mexico, and Jared turned in his papers last week. SO excited to see where he goes, and how they both do. Jared is actually going to get a blog up and running, that Brianne will update with letters and pictures and stuff. You'll find it here.
Enjoy your lives! I need to go to work now, and I'll be back in a week after camp.
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Love you all!
-Katie Helen

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