Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Dear Hollywood

My dear friend Brianne just introduced me to an amazing group of kids involved in something called Project Chaste. It's a group of a bunch of Christian teenagers who have decided that the media is done telling them how they are supposed to be, and they have taken a pledge to chaste.
I also wanted to take the time to appreciate how awesome it is that these kids have higher standards than a lot of Mormon kids I know. And not only do they have high standards, they are VOCAL about it. I know I'm not shy about this kind of stuff, though I've never come straight out unprovoked and just said "I am chaste, hear me roar". But I'll always speak my mind when asked. This was a lesson for me. How am I supposed to be an example if I hide? Major props to the teens in this video.
I will not put up with the media's lies any longer. Being unchaste is not what being a teenager is about. My emotions and my HORMONES are not in control of me. The 'love' portrayed on TV is not Love, and I'm allowed to have higher expectations than their kind of love. I don't need that kind of love.

Dear Hollywood, I choose to live a chaste life. I am stronger than you think.

Here are the links to the videos. Watch for my "Dear Hollywood" video. Coming soon!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Good Books

EEK!!! Ok, so this really good friend of mine recently introduced me to my new addiction. It's Find books, share books, talk about books, find and save quotes from books, and...spend time fawning over my non-human best friends (Behind my puppy-dog of course).
So log in, let me know, I'll be your friend :) and you can scour my books for ones you've read, or search others. SO much fun!

By the way, HUGE congrats to Chris, Anna, and Sascha, and welcome to their new little girl, Adelle!
Girls are catching up! it's only 13 to 6 now!

I also found out that I have a very balanced brain, and am only slightly left-brained. (That's the writing, reading, analyzing side). Seriously, we took a test getting a loose grading of all this, and my scores were 9 left to 7 right, and 6 left to 4 right. Cool, huh?

Love, peace, books.