Thursday, July 21, 2011

This is me collapsing to the floor

Just after nine pm on my last day in Rexburg until it's cold again. Eight finals later, if I did everything as well as I hope I did, I'll end this semester with 3 B's and 3...A's!!!! It's been a while since I had that kind of grade report. I think it's safe to say that this semester kicked my trash up one alley and down another.

I woke up this morning, studied a bit for my last final, and after said final was done, came back to the apartment to clean. After an entire day getting this room "white glove clean", my hands are soft and vinegary, I'm exhausted and hungry, and I'm so done with this apartment (until next semester, anyway). Tomorrow I get to wake up, make the vanity "white glove" status, pester my manager until she clears my work, and then I am getting out of Dodge! (in a dodge...teehee)

I'll be in Salt Lake tomorrow night, and then, if I'm really lucky, I'll be back in T-mec by this time Saturday! I just got a rush of jitters--I'm so ready to be home. Did I mention that my trash has been kicked? 'Cause it has.

Finally, I'll get to join my friends who have all been out of school for a month now, and actually have a summer! Technically, I'm going back to work for those couple months, but that's beside the point. Yay jobs! Back to the theater, back to my family, back to my Cali friends. Sigh. I've missed everyone. Yes, even you, obscure blog stalker, even you.

Now to go kick back in front of the TV for a little while, eat something (if I can find food), and tomorrow, I'll conquer the task of fitting two grown men and six suitcases (and then some) into my car. Thank goodness my car is a beast.

Next time I post something, it'll be from the Golden state. Hallelujah!

Thank you everyone for all the support and love you've shown me this semester. I love you!

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