Sunday, March 8, 2009

Same Play, Different Actors.

SOME say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I’ve tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To know that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.
-Robert Frost

I'm really becoming a fan of good poetry. But good is a subjective term, so oh well.
A few qualms have come up in life. I'm now going to rant about Twilight, boys, and history. Just a fair warning. : D

Brianne and I were discussing Twilight yesterday. As for the movie, I hadn't seen it since the midnight showing, due to a little grounding...anyway, we saw it again last night. It's a lot nicer without 100 screaming teenagers, but still pretty ridiculous. We were also discussing the book itself. Many critics, and a few English teachers, have put down Twilight because of it's poorly written quality. Brianne and I decided that while, yes, the book is not likely to become core-lit for High School English classes world wide, it will probably continue selling copies for another decade or two. Why? Because the book was not written to be torn apart in the classroom. It was meant to entertain young teenagers, mostly girls, and maybe send across some subliminal messages about morals. Not only has the book entertained it's prospective audience, it has gone above and beyond to reach those of all ages and genders.

As for Boys...Forgive me for this bit, I'm a teenage girl XD. I'm really liking the entire concept of Mormon dating. You know, like the Strength for the Youth says, about dating a lot of different people and doing group dates and all that good stuff. It doesn't talk about needing to shrug off the world's criticism for dating two different boys in two weeks and being a player, but hey, they're just jealous, right? On the flip side, getting to know different boys can have it's bad aspects. For example, sometimes a girl can agree to a date, which gets postponed a bit, then comes to realize the guy is making her his #2 choice. And he likes to tell her that, and how much he still wants to date her though, too. Not like I cared, because I just slapped a jerk label on him and tried to send him packing. However, I'm sorry to say I'm getting more and more annoyed with boys who think that everyone hates them. Seriously. Hate is such a strong word. Few people in the world actually hate anything. Really dislike, or are annoyed by, maybe, but hate? I mean, I personally hate politics and propaganda, but that's just me. I really dislike shrimp and coconut, and I'm annoyed by nosy neighbors, but I don't hate them. So over-dramatic boys that text you wondering why your best friend and all your guy friends hate him, is just plain annoying.

So...history. Economists (at least, the ones that aren't blind) say that we might be heading for a nice little second Great Depression. I would like to hear everyone's views on the last depression, specifically Franklin D. Roosevelt's impact. My History teacher would like to argue that FDR did everything he possibly could, and that he did about as well as anyone else could in ending the depression. My dad/Glenn Beck would like to argue that the only thing FDR did with his "New Deal" was prolong it. I personally think he did a really good job and few people could have done better. So, what do you think? Was FDR a socialist Commi that had no right to enforce minor martial law? Or a good man that got the nation out of it's rut? Also, because I love patterns, is History repeating itself? If so, will Obama be the next Hoover, or Roosevelt?
(That was deep. I should write for the AP board!)

Have a nice week everyone! 3 more 'till spring break!


J+S said...

Hi KT - do you like ee cummings? I am a big fan of his. Especially Chansons Innocentes at this time of year.

BTW, you should come for a visit. Down East has some cute new things in for spring. :)

Katie said...

I actually haven't read anything by Cummings yet. I look into it though! And if I can scrape up the money anytime soon to pay for my trip, I'm there!

Angie Thompson said...

Wow KT, I had no idea you had a blog at in the first place, and that you were such a great writer in the second! I would love to start a dialogue about the whole FDR/Great Depression and patterns scenario ... are you up for it?

Katie said...

Hey Angie! I say go for it. I love hearing all sides of an argument.