Saturday, April 23, 2011

One Week Down...

...thirteen to go.

I admit, it has been a crazy week. My classes have hit the ground running and, well, I'm running. This is what my schedule looks like on any given week:
Two classes have me reading essays left and right, two have me reading gigantic chunks of the textbook each day, one requires a healthy amount of Book of Mormon study, and one requires three hours of outside practice each week. That being said, My FDSCI, Anatomy/Physiology and FDENG teachers all remind me of Bill Nye the Science guy. They're all ridiculously passionate about what they teach, a little goofy/awkward, and frequently wear odd shoes and ties that clash with their shirts. My humanities teacher, on the other hand, is actually a theater teacher here. He reminds me of Chris Farley in his motivational "Down by the River" sketch on SNL. Except...a bit more positive. My book of Mormon teacher is a little like Mr. Rogers, and my orchestra conductor is just awesome. He's the one who coined the phrase 'Never look back, and if you're going to make a mistake, make it in a grand manner'.

Well, I foresee a great many long nights and notecards in my future, and hopefully I'll get that 4.0 that I'm working towards. Maybe, if I'm really lucky, I'll decide on a major this semester. Who knows?

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