Saturday, April 16, 2011

Suddenly: College

Here I am, back at the I. I'm officially moved into my dorm, have met two of my new roommates, and love one of them. The other, I've really only seen with her boyfriend...not a whole lot of Roomie bonding going on yet. Catherine and I, of course, are still getting along great. My new apartment lacks the cinderblock walls and classroom-style industrial carpeting of the dorms making it instantly more home-like.

Oddly, I find myself wondering what to do with my life. I'm considering, more and more, finding work. I know, unfortunately, that I need a 4.0 this semester, and that would likely be an impossible feat with a job added on. I just feel so weird without a work schedule, without the knowledge that a paycheck is coming every two weeks, without suiting up and meeting my friends for a day spent over cash registers and popcorn poppers. I really hope that once classes start, I'll be so busy that I'll have to remind myself to eat and sleep. All I can say for now is that I'm jealous that Catherine gets to go to work on Monday. Right now, I'd do ANYTHING to break the monotony.

The biggest shock of all for me this semester was how little of a shock it was at all. I mean, I moved in yesterday, drove my mom to the airport, and moved on as if I've always lived here, on my own, a thousand miles from home. I miss my family, of course (and my dog) but it just feels so normal to be living here. Not so normal is a kitchen without a pantry and an apartment without a linen closet, but hey, that's just me.

I guess, when all is said and done, I'll just have to wait and see what the future brings.

A tasty fun tidbit.