Monday, May 30, 2011

Happiness Can Be Found, Even In The Darkest of Times...

if one only remembers to turn on the light.

It's been a pretty hectic week up here, and I've learned a lot. There's this...I don't know what you'd call it, but maybe a rule that fiction writers keep in mind when making an interesting story line:
Sometimes, as a writer, it becomes necessary to chase your heroine up a tree. And then throw rocks at her. Then you have to help her down.
I, personally, have done this to my heroine many times. It's kind of fun. Until, of course, the tables are turned, you become the heroine of your own story, and the Great Author is at the 'throwing rocks' stage.

It's seemed lately that as soon as I start to make headway with one trial, another (or two) gets thrown at me. I've learned, though, that sometimes little victories lead to big defeats, and sometimes little defeats help prepare you for big victories. The key is remembering after each big victory that there's always going to be another battle after that. You can't just accept the big defeat and call it quits, you have to use the failures to prepare for the next war, and the victories to propel you onward.

I've also had to learn (and accept) that sometimes you really do need to ask for help. As the Queen of ICanSolveMyProblemsMyselfland, this was very difficult, but I'm trying.

In the midst of my world feeling like it is crashing down around me, I've been given small blessings and happinesses to keep me going; things like getting a 96% on the first real English essay I'd written in over a year, figuring out how to change a headlight without needing to ask some guy to do it for me, noticing the beauty in Spring, the birds chirping, appreciating the sunlight as it peeks through for the first time in weeks, having loving roommates, and being (mostly) healthy. In the midst of my trials, I've definitely come to appreciate the little things.

I also take comfort in knowing that it is practically required that the Author eventually help the heroine down from the tree.

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