I think I like being nineteen. I've been an adult for more than a year now, and have worked out a lot of the kinks that come with getting thrust into responsibility. At the same time, I still have a year left to be a teenager. That means I still get to make stupid mistakes and blame it on teen-dom. At the same time, most people actually treat me like an adult now. It's not
that creepy if I still want to hang out with some highschoolers. I still pay a ton in car insurance, but the rate went down
just because I turned nineteen. It's like the company was congratulating me on successfully surviving childhood. Granted, I'm still holding out for the 25-year-old discount jackpot, but I have a few more years for that. I'll just enjoy being nineteen until the next summer, when I'll have to jump that strange hurtle: Twenty.
This blog was supposed to go up a day or two ago, so I'm a little late with this post, but:
Ten Things I Learned During My First Week of School:
1. Guilty pleasures are a lot more fun when the entire apartment is in on them. Example: Twilight. There, I said it. My roomies and I had a Twilight movie marathon this weekend.
2. After a long week of school it is entirely possible to sit in a living room for nine hours, watching four-and-a-half movies, eating junk food, and downing massive Horkley's sodas.
3. In the food chain of paramedicine, no one is lower than Ambulance Drivers (according to my department head).
4. Even two hours of law and ethics can be bearable if the overlying subject is interesting enough.
5. It is possible, but not advised, to live off of brownies.
6. It is possible for all SIX of my approved EMS instructors to be called out on the same morning, causing class to start an hour late.
7. At any given accident in Rexburg where an ambulance is called, one or more of my teachers is probably on said ambulance.
8. I have to practice saying "We're going to do everything we can," instead of "you're going to be okay" for everything. I don't like it, but I have to learn.
Everyone gets oxygen. (Unless you're hyperventilating)
10. My roommates are
incredible. I really lucked out with the apartment jackpot this semester.
This semester has started off beautifully. I'm happy and healthy, and excited to learn something every day. I've also been called as RS 2nd counselor. I've never had an RS leadership calling. Heck, I spend every week I'm home in primary, teaching small children the basics. I can keep them entertained with coloring pages and bribe them with goldfish. While my roommates insist that I can still bribe with goldfish, it's very different, having a calling like this. I've met with my presidency once so far, and I
love it.
As for the rest of life, I kind of feel like I can conquer...pretty much anything. I'm nineteen and fearless. So you know what, World? Bring It On.