Thursday, September 29, 2011


Here's a bit of an update on how my first few weeks up here have been...In picture form!

The Old Room, right before I shoved all that junk into boxes and said bye-bye for the last time.
The New Room
My official EMT student uniform, pants, badge and all. I feel so cool.
I get so excited for every class!

The roommates at a corn maze that almost lost us for good.
Ward Opening Social

Roommate Dinner at Big Jud's

All six of us split this burger, an order of fries, and two orders of onion rings, all for about $4 each. College eating rarely tastes so good.

Well, that's my semester so far in picture format. I'm trying to see if I can make it all semester without seeing a doctor this time. I've failed two semester in a row on that front. Otherwise, I live and breathe for my EMT class. It's amazing, to say the least!

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