Saturday, November 1, 2008

Old Becomes New

So I've actually had this blog for years, but I went inactive on it. I figured it'd be a nice place to let out all my rants. For those of you who don't know me well, my little rants are fun tangents I go off on whenever I feel like something needs to be said, and can range anywhere from one sentence to a 7 page English essay.

My rant for today: Elections
Elections are stupid. We vote, because if everyone decided that their vote didn't matter, we'd have a tie. There would be one vote for every presidential candidate. Their own. I decided that even though my AP English class gives dumb homework, the class itself is teaching me to be a great debater and speaker, and it has given me the amazing ability to point out the fallacies in the arguments of others and identify the rhetoric used to sway the audience in favor of the speaker. The only problem is, when you're trying to convince high school students to see things your way, the only way to accomplish that is to be the first person to sell your side of the issue. Because they tend to like and believe the first thing they hear, and it's VERY hard to convince them otherwise. Stupid stubborn...*grumble grumble*
You know, I learned something the other day in AP US History. (*gasp* I know! Heaven forbid I learn something in school) The history of the Democratic donkey is as follows: Once upon a time Andrew Jackson was running for president. Some people didn't like him. (I wouldn't either, the man was insane.) So some began calling him a not nice word, synonymous for donkey. He liked it so much, he made it his official party animal. I have yet to learn the history of the elephant. I think it's because elephants live with giraffes and giraffes are awesome. Too awesome to be a party symbol. Therefore we must be elephants. Donkeys live with pigs. Pigs stink. (Oh! Apparently it's because the same man who first drew the donkey as a democrat also decided to randomly draw the elephant as republican. Go figure)

I should probably be sleeping now...oh well.

Also if you have a blog and I know you let me know so I can link to you as soon as I figure out how...


Christopher Sagasaki said...

I have a blog... so you can link there ;P Nice post. And another place to stalk

Chris said...

Awesome points, my bright niece. You should link to me and Anna's blog.