Sunday, April 26, 2009

Ok, so I know...

...I'm a little bit late updating this with actual updates from my life. I'm sorry! I've been busy building a person.
Building a life sized skeleton for anatomy. It's supposed to be modeled after my partner, but we decided that while the skeleton WILL have female bone structure, it still is more like a guy. It's just our natural reaction: "Katie, is this piece too big for his leg?" "No Catherine, the femur is the largest bone in his body, it's allowed to be that big." Any suggestions for a name? I was thinking Franky. Or maybe Seymore. You know, like Seymore Bones? I crack myself up.
Ugh, if the skeleton were alive, I'd kill it. I hate it that much.

I'm also studying up for my two AP tests, so school is my focus for now.
Seven weeks of school left. That means One year, Seven weeks of childhood left. Ugh. I'm dreading it. In other news, my idiotic probationary period is up exactly six months from today. For those of you who are unaware of California's laws, the supposedly conservative state has made it illegal for new drivers under 18 to drive anyone else, for any reason, for an entire year after they are licensed. I understand why they feel a need for this rule. I really do. There were two accidents caused by teenage drivers outside of my school last week alone.
But REALLY! "Ok everybody! You must all cahpool to wuk to save gahsoleene and enahgy, except fo the teenagahs, you must all drive yoh own used, 200,000 mihle, barhrely pahssing thee smog test cahs, so yu don get distrahcted."
Oh I'm horrible.
By the way, I love comments. I really do. It is a more than welcome break from the monotony that is my life.

Sunday, April 19, 2009


I cannot live without books.
-Thomas Jefferson

*Sigh* Whenever I finish a good book part of me dies a little, until I pick up the next one. Just when my life starts feeling hollow and emotionless, my best(school) friend, Jadon, decides to lend me a new book, and it was just what the doctor ordered. It is actually a series of five books(so far), titled Maximum Ride, by James Patterson, and let me tell you, they are phenomenal. Nothing else makes me feel in love one moment, extreme pity the next, then laughter then horror then sorrow then adrenaline then back to love, besides a good book.
Is it bad that good books practically aremy emotions?
I swear, they are like a drug.
Brief overview of the plot line:
Set in today's world, there are six kids, Angel(6), The Gasman(8), Nudge(11), Iggy(14), Fang(14), and Maximum "Max" Ride(14). Max is the acting leader of the group of kids, who were all orphaned after they escaped from the School four years ago. These kids, though, they're not like the rest of us, and the School isn't a school. It's a genetic mutations lab. The "flock" of kids were all sent to the School as infants (by rather heinous ways), where their DNA was spliced with Avian DNA. As a result, the kids have air sacs in their bodies, hollow bones, high recovery stats, high heart rates, and...drum roll please...a wingspan of at least 10 feet. Once helped by the mutinous Jeb, a former lab worker, they find themselves suddenly all alone and being attacked on every side by Erasers. Erasers are mere children that raced into adulthood due to having had their infant DNA replaced with Lupine DNA. Yeah, that's right. Essentially, those poor kids are werewolves. Poor little Ari, a 7 year old boy and Jeb's son, has the body of a full grown wolf/man, the mind of a trained killer, and the heart of a little boy, whose father only ever loved the bird kids. One of the bird kids is taken by an Eraser back to the school, and by developing special gifts that seem to come along with the wings, the kids must go and rescue their little sibling, falling into numerous scrapes along the way, learning whom to trust and whom not to, and learning how tight the Flock's bond really is.
Patterson has done an exceptional job with this series, the first being The Angel Experiment. The story is told mostly from Max's first person perspective, but Patterson seamlessly switches to the third person point of view when the reader needs to know what happens to the other characters. Max is a believable character because she sounds just like my friends at school. The characters speak cleanly, but have a few quirks picked up from the flock's primary education: the television and the internet. Readers come to love the Flock, pity the enemy, and question where the lines of good and evil really lie. Each page has a question answered with three more questions. The series is full of action, mystery, slight romance, awe, dedication to the family, and, my favorite part, good clean fun. Emphasis on CLEAN. When a character swears, it is written out as, "The flock had a language lesson when Angel stubbed her toe and shouted some words that would have made a sailor blush" or "a slew of colorful words ran threw my head, but I restrained them." Granted, the characters do slip out a few words, but by the second book, I can count those instances on one hand.
The only other problem I can REALLY find with the series is the occasional lapse in information. Unless I missed the information (a rare occasion), I didn't know that Max is a girl until the eighth chapter. I didn't know Nudge is black until the second book. I haven't caught anything else, but it's just like the author got so caught up in his characters that he forgot that we don't all see them as clearly as he does.
For all you Twilight fans out there, I think you will love Maximum Ride. The English is a bit better, and it's not as sappy, but still just as thrilling.


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Temecula Tea Party

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.
-Thomas Jefferson

THAT is what my sign says.
As much as my parents (and I) disagree with excusing me from school to make a statement, today was a special occasion. Temecula was having a Tea Party!
Just after Anatomy today I left school and headed down to the duck pond, just to, you know, check it out, stand there with a couple other people, just be another head to add to the count. Well, that is what I intended. I was unprepared for the honking and flag-waving and shouts of joy from nearly two thousand people! All of whom were there to let T-mec know that they were not going to stand for taxation without representation. In a single intersection, every corner held at least twenty people, with the corner by the duckpond holding well over one hundred.
Back behind the duck pond were even MORE people, with people talking on bullhorns and handing out stickers and being, in general, very peaceful and well-behaved. They weren't trying to start a war. They were not making plots to assassinate anyone. The people were simply exercising the vocal chords God gave them and the freedom of speech that the Founding Fathers fought for; that men died for.
Now, I must admit, I was apprehensive about leaving school for this thing, and it was NOT because I love Chaparral. I secretly (but I suppose that's no more) have a fear of public expression of...well...almost everything. Especially my political views. As much as I love the adrenalin of it all, I was terrified of going out there, just as I was terrified of standing on corners with "Yes on 8" signs. And when I say terrified, I mean I was shaking all throughout Anatomy (haha my anatomy was shaking in Anatomy). But I saw all the people and decided that no one was going to be a taxation supporter and pull a gun on all of us. Not to mention that would be very hypocritical, to support the people who want to ban guns by using a gun. (Guns don't kill people, gaping holes in vital organs kill people...if I can blame the murder on the gun, then I reserve the right to blame that misspelled word on the pen.)
All in all, I stayed at the protest longer than planned, but it was worth it. I spent half the time laughing in stupor. Don't get me wrong, I am MORE than happy to pay the taxes that pay for my education, my protection from people, my protection from fire, my protection from terrorists, my streetlights, and my judicial system. What I DON'T want to pay for are benefits for other people that I will never get to see again, stuff that's supposed to chill in a nice little fed bank for the next 40 years while I live a life. I don't want to pay for someone else's yacht. I don't want to pay for some hoo-hah to buy a nice house while my FRIENDS are kicked out of their own. That's just not cool.
Want to read awesome quotes from some dude that lived 200 years ago? Sweet, click HERE.

Just a check up on my daily life, well there isn't much to say. I promise you this has been the longest week of the school year, and the weather is making me nauseous with it's bipolar disorder, but STAR testing is next week, which means party time.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter Everyone!

There comes a time when you must choose between what is right and what is easy.

Just me saying "Hey all!" and Happy Easter!
Have a wonderful holiday and remember everything that today stands for!

I found the cutest way to dye eggs, and it should be checked out!
I didn't get a chance to try it personally, but I'm looking forward to it!

Oh! And I got my prom dress yesterday! I'm going to Mormon Prom next month and decided that, regardless of whether or not I get asked, I'll still need a dress. So it's pretty and green! It's got me really excited!

Also, yes, I changed my layout again. The other one may have been a tad too dark, and the text was hard for even me to read!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Little Bon-Bon

Democracy is a process by which the people are free to choose the man who will get the blame.
-Laurence J. Peter

Bon-Bons are my Orchestra Directors way of saying, "What follows is a tasty little morsel that holds little value and is a space filler", usually used to describe little easy songs used to make our concerts longer.
This will be a bit more of an informative filler post, just to catch things up.

Pictures from the Orchestra Trip:

Part I, Part II

Videos of the Orchestra:

Places I Can Be Found:
Twitter username: musical_kt
Email: ask me

Dad's Favorite Political Stuff:

Mike Church on Twitter
Glenn Beck

And, as always, I love staying on top of the news. So!
How d'y'all feel about the rocket N. Korea launched this weekend? SUPPOSEDLY it fell out of orbit within a day, and SUPPOSEDLY it was just transmitting revolutionary songs. Look into it, and you can decide. I'm just not sure I like China telling us to remain calm and not to act out of proportion.

Also, what about the three(? or was it two?)major earthquakes in the past two days, in places earthquakes don't really happen? The one in Italy has claimed over 100 lives, and counting.

Six o'clock - TV hour. Don't get caught in foreign
towers. Slash and burn, return, listen to yourself
churn. Lock it in, uniforming, book burning, blood
letting. Every motive escalate. Automotive incinerate.
Light a candle, light a motive. Step down, step down.
Watch your heel crush, crushed, uh-oh, this means no
fear cavalier. Renegade steer clear! A tournament,
tournament, a tournament of lies. Offer me solutions,
offer me alternatives and I decline.

It's the end of the world as we know it.
It's the end of the world as we know it.
It's the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine.

Friday, April 3, 2009

My Father's Proxy

Reasons like seasons
they constantly change
and the seasons of last year
like reasons have floated away

Hey y'all. So my dad has this new request of me: I am to update all of our right-wing friends and family with whichever fun political videos or rants strike his fancy. Therefore, per daddy, I'll be updating this thing kinda regularly with links to videos on youtube and such. Dad also has me on so if you want easier, more automatic updates, you can stalk me there. You can search my name, or my username, musical_kt.
In keeping with my new found task, there are a ton of awesome political videos that can be found HERE (Mike Church is his favorite, next to Glenn Beck)
By the way, please excuse capitalization errors for the time being. I know i love capitalizing random letters for emphasis, but seriously, right now my right shift key has something jammed under it, and I can't break habit long enough to hit the left one. I'd rather get angry at the right one.
In sadder news, this is my last official day of spring Break. My last school day off. So, here are some highlights, in rapid succession for the fun of it:
mondaytuesdaywednesday workworkworkworkwork. BORING! ThursdayFirdaySaturday Orchestra competition we tied for first YAY BOO sunday sick stay home visit Thompsons mondaytuesdaywednesday work work work thursday babysit 2 preteens AHHHH nightmare run away screaming. Today, I am going to sit in my pj's all day long, maybe swim if the pool's warm, and actually have a break while reading As I Lay Dying for English.
I have a new musical love. I'm pretty sure I've mentioned that at some point in my life, whether I be 18 or 81, I want to learn to play the cello. These guys are some of my new inspiration. It's a Metal band from Finland called Apocalyptica. Ok I know what you're thinking, if you've never heard the group play before. Sweet little Katie? A fan of Metal music originating in radical Europe?!? (Haha metal fans haha) Well yes. These four-ish (the number changes a lot) musicians met at a music academy in Helsinki in their cello class. They all decided that while Mozart is awesome, so is Metallica. Their first album is all Metal Covers. Now they're onto playing their own stuff, and among which are my favorites, Romance, and I Don't Care, featuring the lead singer of Three Days Grace. (It's not linked because the music video is mildly scandalous). The way those boys play cello is just incredible!!!!!!
So enjoy if you would like, check out those political videos if you want something to discuss with my dad, and enjoy your weekend!