Sunday, April 26, 2009

Ok, so I know...

...I'm a little bit late updating this with actual updates from my life. I'm sorry! I've been busy building a person.
Building a life sized skeleton for anatomy. It's supposed to be modeled after my partner, but we decided that while the skeleton WILL have female bone structure, it still is more like a guy. It's just our natural reaction: "Katie, is this piece too big for his leg?" "No Catherine, the femur is the largest bone in his body, it's allowed to be that big." Any suggestions for a name? I was thinking Franky. Or maybe Seymore. You know, like Seymore Bones? I crack myself up.
Ugh, if the skeleton were alive, I'd kill it. I hate it that much.

I'm also studying up for my two AP tests, so school is my focus for now.
Seven weeks of school left. That means One year, Seven weeks of childhood left. Ugh. I'm dreading it. In other news, my idiotic probationary period is up exactly six months from today. For those of you who are unaware of California's laws, the supposedly conservative state has made it illegal for new drivers under 18 to drive anyone else, for any reason, for an entire year after they are licensed. I understand why they feel a need for this rule. I really do. There were two accidents caused by teenage drivers outside of my school last week alone.
But REALLY! "Ok everybody! You must all cahpool to wuk to save gahsoleene and enahgy, except fo the teenagahs, you must all drive yoh own used, 200,000 mihle, barhrely pahssing thee smog test cahs, so yu don get distrahcted."
Oh I'm horrible.
By the way, I love comments. I really do. It is a more than welcome break from the monotony that is my life.


Catherine said...

I like Seymore Bones!!!!!! Then Thursday we are having a bonfire right????? In Seymore must go...

J+S said...

Seymore Bones is a fantastic name. I like your new layout, by the way. I missed voting in your poll.