Saturday, November 22, 2008

Whoa Dang!

I've got over 100 hits on my blog! Woo!! I always love hitting the 100 mark on things.
Let's see...what's new...what's new?
I went to see the Twilight was incredible. I only waited in line for 5 1/2 hours. Which is more than Harry Potter 5, which I waited in line for for 3 hours, but was about in the same place in line. Crazy, I know. Twilight actually made #3 in "most pre-sale tickets sold", beat only by The Dark Night, and "Star Wars...III", I believe. And is in the top ten somewhere for greatest revenue or whatever they call it for the first weekend.
I'm...grounded again. It doesn't happen that often really. Twice a year, tops. That old adage, "If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always gotten", apparently does not work in high school. So when I skated through my classes with a 4.0 Freshman year, then with a 3.6 Sophomore, I SHOULD have seen the trend. It is apparently impossible for me to get through this years AP classes the same way I got through last years AP class. Whoops, my bad. It MAY also be impossible for me to also have a job and an extra college course, but I haven't really decided on that one yet. Anyway, as a result of my laziness I'm spending my Thanksgiving Break exactly as I had intended: going to work and doing homework. Except now, it's forced, not my choice, and if any of my friends were in town or healthy, I would not be able to hang with them. Either way, there is no one to hang with anyway.
I also baked two desserts today and made myself rangoons. YUM! But the desserts weren't for me. They are for the NHS (National Honor Society) bake sale I have tomorrow. Bummed it's on a Sunday, but I need to go so I'll work half a shift. All the proceeds are going to the Humane Society, so it's not all bad, right?

By the way, One may not truly appreciate how long a Dr. Suess book is, specifically "Green Eggs and Ham" until they are standing in front of a class holding up the book and turning pages while their friend is signing EVERY STINKING WORD. The point was for us to get the hang of translating, which means not using "Signed English" (Signing word for word) but using standard American Sign Language and turning each sentence into a phrase. So instead of "I do not like them Sam I Am" it's "I - not like - [point] - [name sign for Sam I Am]" It's a lot simpler and less tiring. Learn Sign Language, it's good for you. :)

1 comment:

Chris said...

You definitely need to teach us some signs to use with Sascha. We're trying to get more consistent, but we'd like to at least teach her "drink," "food" or "hungry," "sleepy," "ouch" or "it hurts," and "all done." I think she's starting to recognize stuff. We can't wait until she signs something to us.